Kinetika Sardegna, a Korian Group company, is one of the main operators accredited by the Sardinia region health system. Its mission is to make the protection of public health its top priority. The doctors, nurses, technicians, managers that works at Kinetika commit themselves every day to respecting this important principle through precise strategic and operational choices.
For Kinetika, what really makes the difference is offering a personalized, flexible health care service. Their decision to manage and monitor the flow of patients through the Qmatic Orchestra Patient Journey Management platform is the result of that.
“The first requirement was to manage the flow of the huge numbers of patients waiting in line,“ said Roland Poledda, IT Manager at Kinetika Sardegna, "Before we introduced the Qmatic technology in our clinics, there were many, many people waiting in line to be seen for their appointments."
"Our goal has always been to make patients feel comfortable and to give them the care they deserve. This is why we were looking for a solution that would be capable of managing the reception of patients and relieve them of the burden of having to wait in line for a long time prior to being seen,“ stated Poledda.
A seamless patient journey
Today, Kinetika clinic patients can book the service they need through a self-service kiosk with a touch screen located near the entrance. They receive a ticket as soon as the booking is confirmed, which indicates the sequential number that will be used to call the patient. This is based on the rules and specific priorities defined by Kinetika management.

The queue management system ensures that each patient‘s turn is respected. No one has to physically get into a line. In fact, patients can see the queue status on the various monitors that display the list, which are positioned in strategic areas of the clinic.
Kinetika takes full advantage of Digital Signage during the patients‘ waiting times, where, the monitors not only inform patients about the queue status - they also transmit videos, images and all types of content related to the context that may be useful to the patients. Clelia Atzori, Marketing Officer at Kinetika Sardegna explained, "For patients waiting for a specific type of appointment, we communicate, through the use of slides, that they can book an additional appointment with that same office (or with another office in the group). We can also communicate other useful information, such as how to download information online."

Implementing Qmatic's queue management system was part of a Kinetika's transformation process and has already shown great results "The initiatives we have implemented over the past year, together with the Qmatic platform, enabled us to add around 1900 additional outpatient appointments compared to the previous year. The results we have collected confirm that we are on the right path because our quality of services and patient satisfaction have increased significantly.“