4 questions to Oskar Fajerson, SVP EMEA/APAC

4 questions to Oskar Fajerson, SVP EMEA/APAC

Peter Lundqvist |February 9 2018 3 min

Oskar Fajerson started at Qmatic three months ago taking on the position as SVP EMEA/APAC. With a background at eye tracking technology company Tobii, Oskar is used to working with tech savvy colleagues, and I took the chance to talk to him about his first months at Qmatic has been.

Oskar Fajersson Qmatic.jpgOskar – what have you been up to since you joined us?

Most of all I have been travelling the world of Qmatic to get to know our customers, our partners and our passionate employees. I have been to Russia, the Middle East, Japan, Singapore, USA – more or less everywhere. It is amazing to hear the different needs from our customers and how different a great customer journey can be. It is really nice to see how Orchestra 7 with it’s modular solution can meet such different needs.

Have you picked up any special experiences that you want to highlight?

– In general, it is the demand for better service on all levels from consumers and our customers. That and the need to comply to new regulations to ensure the consumers data can be secured, such as GDPR. It is not strange that we introduce Orchestra 7 with a lot of security implementations as well as being GDPR ready.

The launch of the new Orchestra 7 is a major landmark for us – what are your thoughts on the brand-new platform?

– I have already mentioned the flexibility of the product fitting all different needs as well as the security aspect meeting GDPR and other security requirements. However, equally important is the new interface for the users of our Orchestra 7. It is new, fresh, user friendly and will help our customers with efficient workflow.


Qmatic is present on a global level, have you seen any regional differences when travelling?

– I have noticed that the reasons for implementing our solution can vary. In some areas it is the consumer in center and solving challenges such as queuing, click and collect, appointment booking. Other needs are to monitor and understand the workforce, how busy they are, what they do and in some areas, is to have the data to monitor the branch performance live or via our business intelligence report. I can absolutely see regional differences. In most cases though, I think the differences between different sectors are even more significant – the needs in retail and health sector varies typically, even if the overlap often is big too.

Peter Lundqvist

Peter Lundqvist

Chief Marketing Officer.

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