4 Questions to Ulf Larsson, Product Manager Hardware

4 Questions to Ulf Larsson, Product Manager Hardware

The Qmatic Team |December 22 2017 3 min

 It took the opportunity to talk to Ulf Larsson recently. He is our Product Manger Hardware, an area that has always been crucial to Qmatic as long as the company has existed.


Ulf Larsson liten.jpgQmatic has always put pride in actually manufacturing its own hardware – which are the main benefits of doing so?

– Control of the whole chain in the process is important to us. We can design for purpose all the way from the plastic and metal pieces to the software used in the product. And also have full control of the manufacturing of the product so that it fits our demands.

You have been at Qmatic for almost 30 years, if you look at the relation hardware-software; how has it changed over time?

– There is much less hardware in the solutions we provide today of course. In the early days we more or less built a machine on site, now we provide a service. With some hardware attached to it.

One area that has grown in importance is accessibility – how has that changed?

– We see a lot more requirements in this area of the solution now as compared to some years back. I think that is a natural development in society, today our clients think about all their customers not only the majority. An unhappy customer may be a lost customer.

Qmatic hardware, kiosks and similar, are known to be very reliable – why is that so important for the company?

– Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is the important piece here. Our hardware is installed way out in the organizations. Service of the hardware often involves a visit by a technician. In order to keep TCO low we have to make sure our solutions are reliable. And low TCO is of course what we strive to deliver.


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