White paper: Customer Journey Management for Telecom stores

October 15 2014 1 min

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Retaining customers and keeping them loyal to your brand is a challenge. It is old news that as many as 89% of the retail customers will simply leave after just one single bad experience. It shows that the experience delivered has to be not only great; it needs also to be consistent during time.

We also know that 86% are willing to pay more to get a better experience which suggests that investing in customer experience is a major differentiator in the market today.

A retail research report from Qmatic, done in 2014 revealed that, of the 54% of the retail decision-makers who confirmed that they have successfully implemented consumer behavior technology in their stores, 70% of them have experienced, or expect to experience an increase in their sales opportunities.

For the competitive telecom retail business it’s important to understand that technology, together with great store process and staff, can make a significant impact on the experience of the service delivered.

From experience gained over the years, we have identified five key challenges facing telecom stores. This white papers aims to show how these challenges can be turned into opportunities – enhancing the customer experience, whilst improving the bottom line.

Download the Telecom white paper now

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